Since May of this year, my eating habits have been horrendous! I just eat whatever I get my hands on. There has been no rhyme or reason to my meal planning. I would get up, eat a bowl of oatmeal, an hour later eat whatever sugar is in the house, lunchtime was chips and salsa, and then I had no energy to fix dinner so I would just piece on anything that was easy to do...a can of soup or just a sandwich. Then I would eat a bowl of cereal before I went to bed. And during all this time, my big butt would be sitting at the computer all day!! No exercise...at all!
Then the holidays come around. Sheesh! Did any of you get any goodies from me?!! The cookies I made, the two batches of caramels!! No!! Because Joe and I ate them!! Well not all the caramels. Most of them went to Kami's when we partied. The pictures on here are me at Thanksgiving, stuffing my face with pie!! And the other one is me on Christmas morning! Look at that behind...and belly..oh those big arms!!! Oh heck!
Well...I am tired of doing this to myself!! So here is my game plan!
1. Drink my juice. I have been doing this faithfully every day. It has helped so much in the way I feel!! It has given me the energy that I need so now I feel like I can do the things I need to do!
2. Drink at least 8~10 glasses of water a day.
3. EXERCISE!!! I HAVE to move my bootie for an hour everyday!! Maybe not so much on Sundays though. hee hee!
4. I joined SparkPeople! It's free and there is so much information on there for ANY health problem and living a healthy lifestyle. Lots of good recipes too! It has so many different teams on there to join with members that are very supportive! I have joined and arthritis team, an LDS team, a 50 and older with 50 lbs. or more to lose, a New You Boot Camp (and I've done the requirements every day since it started!). Anyway, you get the idea! I put a link on the right so you can check it out! If you join, let me know! I'm cakebaker05 on there if you need to look my up!
5. Get rid of all the sugar in my house! HUH? That's a little impossible!!! I do cakes! Well...I don't eat that kind of stuff. It's the cookies and M & M's and candy of any kind! It's all gone!! Now if I do want to have anything like that, I have to work for it. I will have to exercise and work off the amount of calories that was in whatever I ate. This is above any other exercise I have planned for the day.
6. Stop sitting at the computer so much!!! So if you don't see me in my usual places that much any more, you know why!!
7. Get myself and my house organized!! My mind and my house is too danged cluttered and I need to clean them both out! And try to stop the procrastination!! I just can't help it! Procrastination is my middle name! It's like I was born with it!
Some good places to find recipes is Hungry Girl and Eating Well.
I thought if I get this all off my chest and post it, it would make me more accountable for myself!Here is a healthy recipe that I found on SparkPeople. When I first saw it, I though how weird! But it was really good and is great for a light supper! Oh and I added some chopped celery and a couple of shakes of onion and garlic powder and a dash of pepper.
Tuna Tomato Sandwich
2 medium thick slices of tomato
2 oz. tuna in water (I used albacore tuna)
1/2 tbsp. light mayo
1 teas. mustard
Mix tuna, mayo, and mustard in a small bowl. Spoon mixture onto sliced tomato and top with the other slice of tomato. Either grill with a George Forman, your outdoor grill, or spray a pan with non-stick cooking spray and grill on the stove.
Makes 1 serving.
AWESOME post! I NEED to do these things also! Thanks for sharing :) ♥ Hugs!
Yummy recipe! I need to exercise too. How though??? I guess I'll just have to ignore the kids at night so I can get moving. I hate doing that!
You go girl! I only walk two days a week and I could tell a huge difference from not doing it during the holidays! Sugar is the worst at holidays, I try to get creative and not give too much sugar to others either. Didn't get anything done this year either(treat wise). But we recieved a lot, which was very sweet, but we try to keep the sugar out of our home too! Talk baby steps on areas in room, focus on one room at a time and praise yourself for what you get done. That is what I have to do, it is still overwhelming to me to have downsized drastically and I still have boxes everywhere! I challenge myself to go through 3 boxes a week and every little bit helps and then I am not overwhelmed! Take care and keep up the good work!
Do I ever resemble that remark!!!
Yes...I will be your exercise buddy.
You tell me each day what you did or didn't do... and I will do the same.
No judgement, just encouragement.
We can DO IT!!
Gonna go walk now!
Thanks for the support you guys!!
Julienne~I wish I could go walking with you, but because of my rheumatoid arthritis, I can't handle being out in the cold! Phewy!!
Jacque~Today I did the SparkPeople New You Boot Camp (which is only 10 minutes) and 45 minutes with my XBox DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). Then if I watch TV, I march during commercials instead of grabbing something to snack on. But I only started this week!
You are Now officially my exercise buddy-I am going to email you every day.
Sooooooo....I did it...after my healthy breakfast of one cup of coffee and a Pork Chop ( how apprapo) I finally got up from the computer and went for a walk. I decided to take it easy with a leisurely 2 milejaunt. I used to make that walk, drop off the exhausted dog and do it again. No prob!
When I actually muttered the word "walk",
my dog didn't know whether to go into shock or celebrate. She decided finally to celebrate and turned at least 50 circles in front of the door while I found the leash and the house keys.
So Dog by my side, I started out on my "excellent journey".
OMG(!)...having atrophied a bit since the last walk I took in 2007 ( or was it 2006?), after 1/4 mile I was already winded, by 1/2 mile my calves were feeling the burn, and at one mile, I looked at my shadow and saw Quasimodo hunched over and dragging one leg.
So I regrouped, straightened up, tucked in my tummy and concentrated on breathing. The dog who has usually slowed down at this point is still happily dragging me along.
But- I made it- and I feel blood pulsing through parts of my body I rarely feel...like my ear lobes.
Tomorrow, I will start with a few yoga stretches so my body won't go into complete shock.
and maybe put "winners" tape across the front porch, so I can break through it when I complete my "marathon"!
And as if to add insult to injury...during my walk, I noticed that 99.8% of the neighborhood already have their Christmas lights put away! Mine were still on last night! I will tackle that after tomorrow's "excellent journey".
Now, I am going to hibernate the computer again and start on this nasty house. You don't even want to go there....
I DID lay out Chicken breasts for dinner...instead of waiting until 30 minutes beforehand, and rummaging wildly through the cabinets and refrigerator hoping a hearty, homebaked dinner will magically appear before my eyes!
Thank you for the motivation...I soooo identified with your plight and I needed the boost. Hoping this will give you one as well...even if just for the laughs.
Rhonda... looks like you have a Master Plan and it sounds great! and yes... give yourself a break on Sunday :)
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